Monday, March 8, 2010

interview on childhood experience/life

Hello my name is Gao Cha and I am doing an interview on Shawn Michael Damey. My interview is about life experience and what changes in life. I chose Shawn to do the interview on because I knew him in kindergarten through second grade and already knew a little about him to begin with. So with my prior knowledge I can compare him in the past to him now. The way you will recognize him these days is a guy that look athletic with a Mohawk and artwork on his arms, “I started drawing on my arms ever since the seventh grade” he said. “Shawn has always been the same since elementary school. Only a little has changed in him” said Daymon Eng a friend from kindergarten. When he was younger he was skinny and pretty much the same. He was an athlete his whole life and he loves to run, hike, and camp.
Shawn Damey is currently a junior in T.E.C at the evergreen campus, and is seventeen years old born on October 19, 1992. The schools he attended before T.E.C was Beverly Park Elementary School and Cascade Middle School. Although he had many teachers his favorite was Mrs. Bell, his forth grade teacher. During his junior year he joined track and got a time of 20:06 minutes in a 3.1 mile run. He has lived in the same house for his whole life. The thing that affected him most was his dad passing away from a heart attack in the forth grade. Shawn’s father was his role model and best friend. Shawn’s environment changed him a lot by changing his way of thinking.
What make Shawn who he is now is his family members and friends because they taught him things, watched out for him and were there whenever he needed them. Another one of Shawn’s hobbies is cliff diving. He has been cliff diving since he was very young, jumping off small cliffs but now he jumps off very high cliffs. One cliff he jumped off was seventy five feet high but even though that’s really high Shawn still said “I wish I jumped off a higher cliff”. When he was up there though he was scared because height is one of his biggest fears but he pushed himself to do it anyways and was really happy he got the chance to experience it. If you think this is dangerous then think again. Shawn, Joe, Jerome, Corry and a few more family members went hiking to Smith Lake. On the way to Smith Lake they stopped at Dream Lake and had to raft across it. On the other side they had to climb up a rock slide that was about a forty five degree angle with little rocks falling down. Joe, Jerome, and Corry took a different path and while coming back to the main trail Joe fell off a tiny cliff on to the main trail.
“My childhood life was fun because we were always traveling and going on adventures. If I could I would relive it”. This is what Shawn said while thinking about his past and remembering the fun adventures. Right now at this moment Shawn is happy with his life but he also said “there’s always room for improvement”.
As you can see there is a lot going on in Shawn’s life. My interview on Shawn was to fill the missing space that I have missed when I moved away. Although I got a whole bunch of information from Shawn there is still a lot to learn and if you want to know more about Shawn you can always find him in the halls of T.E.C at Evergreen Campus.

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