Drinking Alcohol
When consequences of drinking are brought up in a conversation what do you think about? Do you really know what these consequences are? If not this is the time you learn. Heavy drinking can weaken the heart muscle and contribute to weight gain. It can also cause addiction and life threatening health problems.
The minimum drinking age today is twenty one because it saves an estimated twenty five thousand lives. Studies shows that if the minimum drinking age was 18 or 19 then there would be a ten percent increase in car accidents but if the drinking age is twenty one then it will decease by sixteen percent. Some people believe that drinking alcohol is normal and okay but others are totally against it because of the dangers it has caused. The relative risk of death for drivers in single-vehicle crashes with a high BAC (blood alcohol concentration) is 385 times that of a zero-BAC driver and for male drivers the risk is 707 times that of a sober driver, according to estimates by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Blood alcohol concentration is how much alcohol is in your bloodstream. The legal limit for adults is .08, in most states, with an even lower limit for those under the legal drinking age of 21.
This graph shows the risk that people take while driving drunk. Even with just a little alcohol in your body it can still affect your driving. In 1998, 15,935 people were killed in alcohol-related traffic crashes, an average of one every 33 minutes. These deaths were approximately 38.4% of the total 41,471 total traffic accidents in that year and about 630,000 were injured in alcohol-related crashes, an average of one person injured approximately every minute. In 2008 there were 11,773 drunk driving deaths about 32% of the total amount of United States car accident deaths (37,261). That was 9.7% less than 2007, (approximately 13,041). 216 children died in a car accident due to drunk drivers in 2008. Another 34 children died as pedestrians or bikers who were hit by drunk drivers the same year. 75% of all drunk drivers killed in accidents in 2008 weren't wearing seat belts. In 2008, 6,316 passengers were killed in an alcohol related accident.
These are facts I gathered to help your understanding of alcohol abuse in the United States. However it is hard for an alcoholic to stop drinking so here are some things to help. Things you’ll need to know:
Step 1
Primary care physicians must identify, discuss the diagnosis, initiate treatment and monitor ongoing care. Patients must be provided feedback, advice and goal-setting by their healthcare providers.
Step 2
The diagnosis of alcohol abuse should be firmly yet empathetically presented to the patient. Motivational interviewing may help.
Step 3
Medical treatment for alcohol withdrawal may be necessary in patients with alcohol dependence who are willing to stop drinking. Outpatient therapy is safe for those with mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms; inpatient therapy is indicated for patients with severe withdrawal symptoms, psychiatric illness or lack of social support.
Step 4
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a program for people with drinking problem who are willing to quit. The treatment is based on fellowship and a belief in a spiritual basis for recovery. Abstinence is encouraged on a "one day at a time" basis. Members attend meetings in which experiences related to drinking and recovery are shared. There are 12 Steps to Recovery that are discussed with the members.
Step 5
Three drugs--naltrexone, acamprosate and disulfiram--can be used in consultation with the doctor. Most of the medications work on the principle of blunting the pleasurable effects of alcohol and reducing craving. They work well on people who have stopped drinking and need additional support to maintain abstinence. Other drugs that are under investigation include nalmefene, ondansetron and topiramate.
Step 6
Patients with alcohol abuse should concomitantly be treated for depression, as well. This is based on the fact that alcohol abusers have an increased risk of depression and are at high risk for suicide.
Step 7
People with alcohol abuse should also be evaluated for tobacco smoking, other substance abuse, anxiety and panic attacks.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Payin' Too Much
Shawn Damey
How Come I have to pay So Much-?
Now these days I’ve noticed that I have to pay more and more for stuff that I shouldn’t have to pay for ever but I find myself having to pay for things that the other small schools and just other schools in general don’t have to pay for like the extra $50 dollars I have to pay for to play sports. I would understand paying that much for a club or just the $40 dollars so play but and extra $50 is just a little too much. The sports in middle school were just to keep the kids fit and the sports were for free, what happened to doing thing for the youth. I have paid $140 for sports, does that not seem a little too much and not only that it doesn’t seem like it’s going into the sports that I do at all or anything else that has to do with school so I wonder where does the money go and why am I not seeing things done with the money that so many of us put into the sports and things that we do. If the money is for the education that happens in the class rooms everyday then why aren’t they paying?
I had to pay $86 dollars for my AP test and that’s without free and reduced lunch, they only have to pay $5, holy crap the is like 1/8 of what I have to pay and then I find out the Health school only had to pay $15 dollars without the reduced lunch and at Aviation so now what is TEC doing with money that I have to pay so much for a test and I heard that I could pay $100 for the credit and not have to take the test so why didn’t they give me that option if I have to play almost that much and still have a great chance of failing. It makes no sense to me at all for the expenses that I have to pay and others don’t. Am I paying for other peoples tests or something it’s like the new health care reform, everyone is paying for other peoples health care and that’s not fair to those people and it’s not fair that I have to pay so much compared to what other people have to pay.
All I’m saying is that I don’t feel that I have to pay so much when other’s pay so little and that I should see the changes that so many of us have put money into. Wasting my money for a lost cause.
How Come I have to pay So Much-?
Now these days I’ve noticed that I have to pay more and more for stuff that I shouldn’t have to pay for ever but I find myself having to pay for things that the other small schools and just other schools in general don’t have to pay for like the extra $50 dollars I have to pay for to play sports. I would understand paying that much for a club or just the $40 dollars so play but and extra $50 is just a little too much. The sports in middle school were just to keep the kids fit and the sports were for free, what happened to doing thing for the youth. I have paid $140 for sports, does that not seem a little too much and not only that it doesn’t seem like it’s going into the sports that I do at all or anything else that has to do with school so I wonder where does the money go and why am I not seeing things done with the money that so many of us put into the sports and things that we do. If the money is for the education that happens in the class rooms everyday then why aren’t they paying?
I had to pay $86 dollars for my AP test and that’s without free and reduced lunch, they only have to pay $5, holy crap the is like 1/8 of what I have to pay and then I find out the Health school only had to pay $15 dollars without the reduced lunch and at Aviation so now what is TEC doing with money that I have to pay so much for a test and I heard that I could pay $100 for the credit and not have to take the test so why didn’t they give me that option if I have to play almost that much and still have a great chance of failing. It makes no sense to me at all for the expenses that I have to pay and others don’t. Am I paying for other peoples tests or something it’s like the new health care reform, everyone is paying for other peoples health care and that’s not fair to those people and it’s not fair that I have to pay so much compared to what other people have to pay.
All I’m saying is that I don’t feel that I have to pay so much when other’s pay so little and that I should see the changes that so many of us have put money into. Wasting my money for a lost cause.
Monday, March 8, 2010
re-enter the interview
Shawn Damey
I have come here day after I interviewed Gao Cha and bout his first house and second house and I’m trying to find out why he moved. What was bad about his first house to make his family move, why were they unsolvable problems and if they looked for a solution?
Back in the day when I meet Gao he lived in a house next to Top Hat a couple miles away from the Elementary School we went to. He had lived in that house for 7 years till he moved in the summer of second grade in the year of 2000. I had no idea of why or what the reason was till I interviewed him yesterday. He talked about his house being built out of bricks, have two stories and sharing his room with a family member. He talked about how he loved to play around and play in his yard because it was big and there were a lot of things to do. He hated going in the basement of his house because scary things happened down there and gardener snakes that scared him a lot and he is still afraid of them to this day.
The house had a lot of history to it that I didn’t know about, such as the previous owner of the house was a sailor that was there had died in the house and his grand father had died there too. The house was haunted and paranormal activities happened there. There were baby foot steps around the house and there were no babies in the house that lived with them which makes me wonder what other people have died or been killed in the house, what history of a house could tell if it could talk. I finally found out why Gao and his family moved, because of the things that have been going in the house. Gao told me that one day him and his other siblings went down to the basement to look for their dad’s ski mask and as they were looking around they heard a noise in the back of the room. They all froze like stones because they were so scared and then they heard the noise again and bolted up the stairs and never went down there again. There was another time that Gao’s dad when down to the basement and he heard a voice from the top of the stairs calling out “DAD” and he answered back the there was no one there. He knew that there was another ghost that he encountered. They have had many encounters and they finally had enough and moved.
The moved to their new house and have lived there ever sense then. Maybe moving didn’t help because Gao had seen his grandfather’s spirit at night and he was alone in his room but as far as I know he hasn’t had any problems. They have been free from paranormal terror like the last house. The only thing that Gao doesn’t like about his new house is that the garage had taken the place where his yard was but other then that he likes his new house very much. His favorite at the house is that he has his own room, to do whatever it is that he wants to do. Has alone time that is important to him. He has more space in the house, it had a better sense of new house-ness and it had a basketball hoop. He didn’t like was that there wasn’t much of a back yard so there wasn’t too much room to place outside at the home other then that his life at the new house to as good as any un-haunted house.
I have come here day after I interviewed Gao Cha and bout his first house and second house and I’m trying to find out why he moved. What was bad about his first house to make his family move, why were they unsolvable problems and if they looked for a solution?
Back in the day when I meet Gao he lived in a house next to Top Hat a couple miles away from the Elementary School we went to. He had lived in that house for 7 years till he moved in the summer of second grade in the year of 2000. I had no idea of why or what the reason was till I interviewed him yesterday. He talked about his house being built out of bricks, have two stories and sharing his room with a family member. He talked about how he loved to play around and play in his yard because it was big and there were a lot of things to do. He hated going in the basement of his house because scary things happened down there and gardener snakes that scared him a lot and he is still afraid of them to this day.
The house had a lot of history to it that I didn’t know about, such as the previous owner of the house was a sailor that was there had died in the house and his grand father had died there too. The house was haunted and paranormal activities happened there. There were baby foot steps around the house and there were no babies in the house that lived with them which makes me wonder what other people have died or been killed in the house, what history of a house could tell if it could talk. I finally found out why Gao and his family moved, because of the things that have been going in the house. Gao told me that one day him and his other siblings went down to the basement to look for their dad’s ski mask and as they were looking around they heard a noise in the back of the room. They all froze like stones because they were so scared and then they heard the noise again and bolted up the stairs and never went down there again. There was another time that Gao’s dad when down to the basement and he heard a voice from the top of the stairs calling out “DAD” and he answered back the there was no one there. He knew that there was another ghost that he encountered. They have had many encounters and they finally had enough and moved.
The moved to their new house and have lived there ever sense then. Maybe moving didn’t help because Gao had seen his grandfather’s spirit at night and he was alone in his room but as far as I know he hasn’t had any problems. They have been free from paranormal terror like the last house. The only thing that Gao doesn’t like about his new house is that the garage had taken the place where his yard was but other then that he likes his new house very much. His favorite at the house is that he has his own room, to do whatever it is that he wants to do. Has alone time that is important to him. He has more space in the house, it had a better sense of new house-ness and it had a basketball hoop. He didn’t like was that there wasn’t much of a back yard so there wasn’t too much room to place outside at the home other then that his life at the new house to as good as any un-haunted house.
interview on childhood experience/life
Hello my name is Gao Cha and I am doing an interview on Shawn Michael Damey. My interview is about life experience and what changes in life. I chose Shawn to do the interview on because I knew him in kindergarten through second grade and already knew a little about him to begin with. So with my prior knowledge I can compare him in the past to him now. The way you will recognize him these days is a guy that look athletic with a Mohawk and artwork on his arms, “I started drawing on my arms ever since the seventh grade” he said. “Shawn has always been the same since elementary school. Only a little has changed in him” said Daymon Eng a friend from kindergarten. When he was younger he was skinny and pretty much the same. He was an athlete his whole life and he loves to run, hike, and camp.
Shawn Damey is currently a junior in T.E.C at the evergreen campus, and is seventeen years old born on October 19, 1992. The schools he attended before T.E.C was Beverly Park Elementary School and Cascade Middle School. Although he had many teachers his favorite was Mrs. Bell, his forth grade teacher. During his junior year he joined track and got a time of 20:06 minutes in a 3.1 mile run. He has lived in the same house for his whole life. The thing that affected him most was his dad passing away from a heart attack in the forth grade. Shawn’s father was his role model and best friend. Shawn’s environment changed him a lot by changing his way of thinking.
What make Shawn who he is now is his family members and friends because they taught him things, watched out for him and were there whenever he needed them. Another one of Shawn’s hobbies is cliff diving. He has been cliff diving since he was very young, jumping off small cliffs but now he jumps off very high cliffs. One cliff he jumped off was seventy five feet high but even though that’s really high Shawn still said “I wish I jumped off a higher cliff”. When he was up there though he was scared because height is one of his biggest fears but he pushed himself to do it anyways and was really happy he got the chance to experience it. If you think this is dangerous then think again. Shawn, Joe, Jerome, Corry and a few more family members went hiking to Smith Lake. On the way to Smith Lake they stopped at Dream Lake and had to raft across it. On the other side they had to climb up a rock slide that was about a forty five degree angle with little rocks falling down. Joe, Jerome, and Corry took a different path and while coming back to the main trail Joe fell off a tiny cliff on to the main trail.
“My childhood life was fun because we were always traveling and going on adventures. If I could I would relive it”. This is what Shawn said while thinking about his past and remembering the fun adventures. Right now at this moment Shawn is happy with his life but he also said “there’s always room for improvement”.
As you can see there is a lot going on in Shawn’s life. My interview on Shawn was to fill the missing space that I have missed when I moved away. Although I got a whole bunch of information from Shawn there is still a lot to learn and if you want to know more about Shawn you can always find him in the halls of T.E.C at Evergreen Campus.
Hello my name is Gao Cha and I am doing an interview on Shawn Michael Damey. My interview is about life experience and what changes in life. I chose Shawn to do the interview on because I knew him in kindergarten through second grade and already knew a little about him to begin with. So with my prior knowledge I can compare him in the past to him now. The way you will recognize him these days is a guy that look athletic with a Mohawk and artwork on his arms, “I started drawing on my arms ever since the seventh grade” he said. “Shawn has always been the same since elementary school. Only a little has changed in him” said Daymon Eng a friend from kindergarten. When he was younger he was skinny and pretty much the same. He was an athlete his whole life and he loves to run, hike, and camp.
Shawn Damey is currently a junior in T.E.C at the evergreen campus, and is seventeen years old born on October 19, 1992. The schools he attended before T.E.C was Beverly Park Elementary School and Cascade Middle School. Although he had many teachers his favorite was Mrs. Bell, his forth grade teacher. During his junior year he joined track and got a time of 20:06 minutes in a 3.1 mile run. He has lived in the same house for his whole life. The thing that affected him most was his dad passing away from a heart attack in the forth grade. Shawn’s father was his role model and best friend. Shawn’s environment changed him a lot by changing his way of thinking.
What make Shawn who he is now is his family members and friends because they taught him things, watched out for him and were there whenever he needed them. Another one of Shawn’s hobbies is cliff diving. He has been cliff diving since he was very young, jumping off small cliffs but now he jumps off very high cliffs. One cliff he jumped off was seventy five feet high but even though that’s really high Shawn still said “I wish I jumped off a higher cliff”. When he was up there though he was scared because height is one of his biggest fears but he pushed himself to do it anyways and was really happy he got the chance to experience it. If you think this is dangerous then think again. Shawn, Joe, Jerome, Corry and a few more family members went hiking to Smith Lake. On the way to Smith Lake they stopped at Dream Lake and had to raft across it. On the other side they had to climb up a rock slide that was about a forty five degree angle with little rocks falling down. Joe, Jerome, and Corry took a different path and while coming back to the main trail Joe fell off a tiny cliff on to the main trail.
“My childhood life was fun because we were always traveling and going on adventures. If I could I would relive it”. This is what Shawn said while thinking about his past and remembering the fun adventures. Right now at this moment Shawn is happy with his life but he also said “there’s always room for improvement”.
As you can see there is a lot going on in Shawn’s life. My interview on Shawn was to fill the missing space that I have missed when I moved away. Although I got a whole bunch of information from Shawn there is still a lot to learn and if you want to know more about Shawn you can always find him in the halls of T.E.C at Evergreen Campus.
Friday, February 26, 2010
-Somewhere In Washington- Feb,11-2010-
Gao is sick and I think that he is going to get every body in the class sick too. I think we're goin' to have to cap his ass but I'm not sure yet. If it gets any worse I'll have to hold a meeting on what to do. He started crying for no reason but I think its because he knows that I might have to kill him. I haven't told anyone so I'm guessing that he can read minds and he's an alien. He must be getting sick of our Earths air. That's why he left me in the second grade, he had to go back to the mother ship to come back with better equipment to survive on this planet a little longer before going back. If he is an alien then may god have mercy on our souls.
Gao is sick and I think that he is going to get every body in the class sick too. I think we're goin' to have to cap his ass but I'm not sure yet. If it gets any worse I'll have to hold a meeting on what to do. He started crying for no reason but I think its because he knows that I might have to kill him. I haven't told anyone so I'm guessing that he can read minds and he's an alien. He must be getting sick of our Earths air. That's why he left me in the second grade, he had to go back to the mother ship to come back with better equipment to survive on this planet a little longer before going back. If he is an alien then may god have mercy on our souls.
2010 News Fash
-Somewhere In Washington-
Gao has be given this great and honorable oppertunity to become the treasurer of a Cha Community with his father's help. He only has a few days to decide weather he joins the family tradition to be deeply involved in this community. His uncle is the President, Gao's father is the Vice president and treasurer until Gao decides his fate. Lets help Gao decide, what should
Gao has be given this great and honorable oppertunity to become the treasurer of a Cha Community with his father's help. He only has a few days to decide weather he joins the family tradition to be deeply involved in this community. His uncle is the President, Gao's father is the Vice president and treasurer until Gao decides his fate. Lets help Gao decide, what should
Broken In or Dream Broken-
- Breaking News- September 1st 1939-
We have finally had enough of Germany killing innocent Jewish people that aren't doing anything wrong and we didn't even know what was going on before it was too late. Now that they have killed all the Jews in their own land that are moving on to Poland. So now that they are invading Poland we must stop them now before they progress to other countries. The French refuse to get involved to keep they peace full little place away from the war but they don't know that it'll be coming right towards them soon. German military is very strong force and is breaking through every bodies lines. These unfortunate events are happening because of their leader Hitler and his hate for the Jews. He believes that if all the Jews are the scum of the earth and because of their beliefs they must be wiped clear from this planet. He is killing them in any way possible, the furnace, death camps and how ever else they can use them and kill them at the same time. We must stop him and his army before they kill the Jews and the people that try to stop them. "On the European Front, the most important development of the past year has been the crushing German offensive against the great armies of Russia" and that is exactly what our strategy was.
We have finally had enough of Germany killing innocent Jewish people that aren't doing anything wrong and we didn't even know what was going on before it was too late. Now that they have killed all the Jews in their own land that are moving on to Poland. So now that they are invading Poland we must stop them now before they progress to other countries. The French refuse to get involved to keep they peace full little place away from the war but they don't know that it'll be coming right towards them soon. German military is very strong force and is breaking through every bodies lines. These unfortunate events are happening because of their leader Hitler and his hate for the Jews. He believes that if all the Jews are the scum of the earth and because of their beliefs they must be wiped clear from this planet. He is killing them in any way possible, the furnace, death camps and how ever else they can use them and kill them at the same time. We must stop him and his army before they kill the Jews and the people that try to stop them. "On the European Front, the most important development of the past year has been the crushing German offensive against the great armies of Russia" and that is exactly what our strategy was.
U.S.A against Iraq
The war against Iraq from the beginning until now, there has been 16,000 to 17,000 American deaths and about 32,000 wounded. This war was caused by the Iraqs attack on the world trade center. This war started on March 19, 2003. The war is still going on today and no one knows exactly when it will end or who will win the war. The importance of this war is an event that affects our lives and future. An event that is going on today is something Americans should know about because of the struggles our family and nation goes through for a better place to live. A quote that Lieutenant Colonel Tim Collins said before they entered Iraq was "There may be people among us who will not see the end of this... We will put them in their sleeping bags and send them back, there will be no time for sorrow". Lieutenant Tim Collins said this quote and many more to let his soilders know whats ahead of them in this war and that it will be hard but they as Americans must be strong.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The person I'm interviewing is shawn. The reason why I'm interviewing shawn is because I want to know what has changed in him since elementary school.
1-What affected you the most? Why?
2-What was your favorite thing to do?
3-Was there anything that worried you?
4-What do you think changed in you the most?
5-Why do you think you are the way you are now?
6-What would you do differently?
7-What is the most dangerious thing you did?
8-What is your childhood life to you?
9-What scares you?
10-Are you happy the way you are now?
1-What affected you the most? Why?
2-What was your favorite thing to do?
3-Was there anything that worried you?
4-What do you think changed in you the most?
5-Why do you think you are the way you are now?
6-What would you do differently?
7-What is the most dangerious thing you did?
8-What is your childhood life to you?
9-What scares you?
10-Are you happy the way you are now?
Enter My interview
I "shawn" am interviewing Gao-
I'm interviewing him because he left along time ago and I want
to know why he left his first how-
1-Why did he move
2-What was the movtive
3-What was good and about his first house
4-What was most memorial bout it
5-What was the worst thing about that house
6-How long he lived there
7-What was his other house like and was it better
8-Why was his first house not good enough
9-Where was his house
10-How is living in his new house now-
I'm interviewing him because he left along time ago and I want
to know why he left his first how-
1-Why did he move
2-What was the movtive
3-What was good and about his first house
4-What was most memorial bout it
5-What was the worst thing about that house
6-How long he lived there
7-What was his other house like and was it better
8-Why was his first house not good enough
9-Where was his house
10-How is living in his new house now-
Friday, February 5, 2010
Something Historical
This is Gao and Shawn's first blog and we'll be talkin' bout history but really it's our past and it's very historical.
Gao- In my past when I was 5, there was a vacuum just sittin' there and I wanted to know how it worked. Once I found out how to turn it on I was observing it and then I put the tube in my mouth and it sucked out all the air from my lungs causing me to lose consiousness and I dropped to the floor I guess I woke up a couple seconds later but I was very light headed and confused to what just happened.
Shawn-When I was 4 years old my brother were biking around and I really wanted to learn so I asked my dad if he could teach me how to ride a bike and he said something that I don't remember but he said yes I guess. So he got this little tiny bike out that fit me and told me to coast down the drive way till I got my balance and there weren't training wheels so I would just fall on the cement and get cuts all of my legs and arms. So before the sun went down I was able to coast all the way down the drive way. I asked my dad what to do next and he said pedal. I was so retarded I didn't know how to pedal and ride at the same time. So it was like trying to coast down the drive way again but I learned how to the next day. Braking was a very big problem so a wall helped me stop.
Shawn-This was in the past but it was only but a year ago. I have some cousin's, brothers and friends go with me to this place called Sun Lakes but that's not where the fun really is at but that's just a well know place. Where we go is Deep Lake bout 2 miles down a road. When you get there you see people jumpin' off the small cliffs and the 30 footer but only half our group like to jump off that one so. I like to start off the 40 just to get use to the intense fall but I only get the thrill the first couple times then its just whatever till I get to a higher height. Well sadly I am afraid of heights and the only way for me to get over heights is to jump off a higher height. Well it only helps but the highest cliff I ever jumped off of was a 75 foot cliff and that was the last time I took more then 5 minutes to jump off of a cliff.
Gao- In my past when I was 5, there was a vacuum just sittin' there and I wanted to know how it worked. Once I found out how to turn it on I was observing it and then I put the tube in my mouth and it sucked out all the air from my lungs causing me to lose consiousness and I dropped to the floor I guess I woke up a couple seconds later but I was very light headed and confused to what just happened.
Shawn-When I was 4 years old my brother were biking around and I really wanted to learn so I asked my dad if he could teach me how to ride a bike and he said something that I don't remember but he said yes I guess. So he got this little tiny bike out that fit me and told me to coast down the drive way till I got my balance and there weren't training wheels so I would just fall on the cement and get cuts all of my legs and arms. So before the sun went down I was able to coast all the way down the drive way. I asked my dad what to do next and he said pedal. I was so retarded I didn't know how to pedal and ride at the same time. So it was like trying to coast down the drive way again but I learned how to the next day. Braking was a very big problem so a wall helped me stop.
Shawn-This was in the past but it was only but a year ago. I have some cousin's, brothers and friends go with me to this place called Sun Lakes but that's not where the fun really is at but that's just a well know place. Where we go is Deep Lake bout 2 miles down a road. When you get there you see people jumpin' off the small cliffs and the 30 footer but only half our group like to jump off that one so. I like to start off the 40 just to get use to the intense fall but I only get the thrill the first couple times then its just whatever till I get to a higher height. Well sadly I am afraid of heights and the only way for me to get over heights is to jump off a higher height. Well it only helps but the highest cliff I ever jumped off of was a 75 foot cliff and that was the last time I took more then 5 minutes to jump off of a cliff.
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